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Dr. Andrew H. Baldwin



Environmental Science & Technology 1423 Animal Science/Agricultural Engineering Building University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742


  • Ecology of tidal and inland wetlands
  • Wetland restoration
  • Botany and plant ecology


  • Ph.D., Botany, Louisiana State University (1996)
  • B.S., Biology, Tufts University (1983)
  • B.S., Engineering (Environmental Focus), Tufts University (1983)


Dr. Andy Baldwin is Professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology. His research and teaching focus on plant and ecosystem ecology of natural and restored wetlands. He is interested in both coastal and inland wetlands, with the goal of understanding links between plant regeneration, carbon and nitrogen cycling, and global change factors (specifically sea-level rise, temperature, eutrophication, and invasive species). He teaches classes on wetland ecology, wetland restoration, and wetland plant identification and is past President of the Society of Wetland Scientists.

Professional Details

Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae

Andrew H. Baldwin

Department of Environmental Science and Technology

University of Maryland, College Park, 301-405-7855


Professional Preparation


Tufts University, Medford, MA, Biology (Botany), B.S. 1983

Tufts University, Medford, MA, Engineering (Environmental), B.S. 1983

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, Botany, Ph.D., 1996




2015-present  Professor, Environmental Science & Technology Department, University of Maryland

2002-2015      Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology Department (2006-2015) and Biological Resources Engineering Department (2002-2006), University of Maryland

1996-2002      Assistant Professor, Biological Resources Engineering Department, University of Maryland


Publications (10 representative out of 83 total)


Mozdzer, T.J., J.M. Meschter, A.H. Baldwin, J.S. Caplan, and J.P. Megonigal, in press. Mining of deep nitrogen facilitates Phragmites australis invasion in coastal saltmarshes. Estuaries and Coasts.

Scott, B., A.H. Baldwin, and S. A. Yarwood, 2022.  Quantification of potential methane emissions associated with organic matter amendments following oxic soil inundation. Biogeosciences. 19, 1151–1164.

Allen, J.R., J.C. Cornwell, and A.H. Baldwin, 2021. Contributions of organic and mineral matter to vertical accretion in tidal wetlands across a Chesapeake Bay subestuary. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 9(7), 751.

Keshta, A.E., S.A.Yarwood, and A.H. Baldwin, 2021. A new in situ method showed greater persistence of added soil organic matter in natural than restored wetlands. Restoration Ecology e13437.

Maietta, C.E., Z.A. Bernstein, J.R. Gaimaro, J.S. Buyer, M.C. Rabenhorst, V.L. Monsaint-Queeney, A.H. Baldwin, and S.A. Yarwood, 2019. Aggregation but not organo-metal complexes contributed to C storage in tidal freshwater wetland soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.05.0199

Delgado, P., P. Hensel, and A. Baldwin, 2018. Understanding the impacts of climate change: an analysis of inundation, marsh elevation, and plant communities in a tidal freshwater marsh. Estuaries and Coasts 41: 25-35.

Beckett, L.H., A.H. Baldwin, and M.S. Kearney, 2016. Tidal marshes across a Chesapeake Bay subestuary are not keeping up with sea-level rise., PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159753. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159753

Prasse, C.E., A.H. Baldwin, and S.A. Yarwood, 2015. Site history and edaphic features override the influence of plant species on microbial communities in restored tidal freshwater wetlands. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 3482-3491.

Baldwin, A.H., K. Jensen, and M. Schönfeldt, 2014. Warming increases plant biomass and reduces diversity across continents, latitudes, and species migration scenarios in experimental wetland communities. Global Change Biology 20:835-850.

Baldwin, A.H., 2013. Nitrogen and phosphorus differentially affect annual and perennial plants in tidal freshwater and oligohaline wetlands. Estuaries and Coasts 36:547–558.


Synergistic Activities


  1. Fellow, Society of Wetland Scientists (elected 2019)
  2. Professional Wetland Scientist, Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program, PWS No. 2997.
  3. President of Society of Wetland Scientists (2009-2010). Also served as President of the SWS Mid-Atlantic Chapter and as chair or member of several other SWS committees as chair or member.
  4. Teach graduate and undergraduate courses on wetland ecology and wetland restoration.
  5. Mentor undergraduate, M.S., and Ph.D. students in wetland research.
  6. Associate Editor of Wetland Ecology and Management
  7. Reviewer for 30+ journals and 30+ agencies.

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