Joint Agroecology Field and Science Communication Internship

Joint Agroecology Field and Science Communications Internship Opportunity

Internship Description: We are seeking two students for a summer internship that offers a hybrid of scientific research and outreach and communications. The ideal candidates have strong communications and media skills coupled with knowledge in environmental science and an interest in agricultural landscapes. This internship is funded through a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Small Watershed Grant to explore how to restore agricultural fields that have been damaged by saltwater intrusion and sea level rise to vibrant, thriving marshes full of healthy plants and animal species.

Phase I — Field Research in Agroecology: During the first 5 weeks of this internship, you will work with the Agroecology Lab at the University of Maryland, learning field and laboratory research skills. You will learn about soil, water, and plant sampling and processing and about the complex ecological problem that is saltwater intrusion. You will apply your knowledge to the science communication phase of this internship.

Duties and expectations

  • Work closely with the Agroecology Lab team members to collect, record, and enter research data. Some overnight field trips will be required.

  • Process samples (water, soil, and plant)

  • Assist in the preparation of solutions, reagents, standards following established procedures.

  • Log samples, label tubes, bottles, and other containers for field and lab procedures.

  • Assist with field work when needed (e.g., sampling from trials).

  • You must love being outside and getting dirty.

Phase II — Science Communications and Outreach: During the second five weeks of the internship, you will work with the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology to communicate aspects of the research in which you participated to the general public and targeted audiences through video and other media. The ideal candidate will use the first half of the summer to prepare for the communications portion of the internship by actively gathering information and visual content. This internship will also provide the opportunity to learn best practices in outreach to media outlets.

Duties and expectations

  • Interns will be expected to produce, shoot and edit at least three 5-8 minute informational videos about aspects of the project. Experience with DLSR cameras and photo and video editing software is a plus. A camera, tripod and microphones can be provided.

  • The interns will work to develop outlines for each video, including questions to ask on camera, visuals, locations and subjects.

  • Interns will lead a media outreach effort aimed at podcasts and local news outlets. This includes the identification of and direct outreach to these outlets.

  • The aforementioned tasks will be completed in collaboration with the Hughes Center Communications Coordinator.

Salary: $15 an hour, 40 hours per week

Timeline: 5 June to 18 Aug 2023 (5 weeks field research and 5 weeks science communication)

Locations: University of Maryland, College Park & remote

To Apply:

Deadline to Apply: 28 Apr 2023