Admissions at AGNR

Students in the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources (AGNR) work shoulder to shoulder with some of the brightest faculty minds from across the world to achieve their academic and career goals. True to the land-grant mission of UMD, our students are driven by a strong social consciousness to use what they learn in and out of the classroom to improve the lives and livelihood of others. 

Admissions Resources


As a prospective undergraduate, discover your five steps to success in becoming a student in our college.

Undergraduate Information


View our comprehensive list of graduate programs and become familiar with the application process.

Graduate Information


Discover the Institute of Applied Agriculture, the college’s highly regarded two-year certificate program.

Certificate Information

Get To Know Our Student Ambassadors

Janna Chapman

Think about what classes and activities you want to try or take early! It will really benefit your resume to get involved.

Our student ambassadors can provide a private glimpse into life as a student in the college, offering advice and expertise on academics, clubs, organizations, and resident life. We highly encourage you to connect with them during your admissions experience.  

Meet our Ambassadors