Ag Discovery Program

A Window into AGNR

Thank you for your interest in Ag Discovery. The University of Maryland College Park (AGNR) will not be offering a program in Summer 2023. We hope to return again next year. 

In the interim, we encourage interested students to consider applying to one of 21 other Universities partnering with USDA APHIS to offer programs this summer. 

For more information, visit the USDA APHIS Ag Discovery website

Ag Discovery at UMD 

Ag Discovery students learn about plants and animals, the importance of protecting America’s food supply from insects and disease, the role of regulation in genetically engineered organisms, and the challenge of managing and resolving wildlife conflicts. 

This 3-week academic program sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) Academic Programs and USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Services is a 3-week virtual experience where students discover agricultural science from AGNR faculty, practicing veterinarians, industry representatives, and USDA professionals. 

Participants from all areas of the state and nation have the opportunity to earn 3 hours of university-level course credits through AGNR100, "An Educational Odyssey in Exploring Food, Culture, and the Environment."  Approximately 20% of those who complete Ag Discovery will apply to UMD and be admitted to an AGNR degree program.

We are not offering an Ag Discovery Program in summer 2023, please visit this website for updates for an anticipated program in 2024. 

Do you want to work with USDA APHIS?

The goal of these programs is for students to identify potential career pathways with USDA, beginning with high school programs like AgDiscovery, internships through the Pathways Program, and full-time positions available after graduation. The Pathways Program offers internships to current college students and recent graduates, in addition to the Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF).