Change Your Major

Change Your Major

Interested in changing your major to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources? 

*If you are already a student in AGNR and are looking to switch to another AGNR major, you do NOT need to attend the AGNR Change of Major Workshop.  Simply make an appointment with the advisor in the department you wish to switch to.

*Students wishing to declare ANIMAL SCIENCES or ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY do NOT need to attend the AGNR Change of Major Workshop. Instead, please visit/contact:


Animal Sciences Major Change 


Environmental Science & Policy Major Change

To Change Your Major You Must:

Review a 4-year plan for the new major

This allows you to see how your completed coursework will fit into the new degree and help you to determine if this new major is the right one for you before you dive into the rest of the major change process. If you need help with your 4-year plan or would like some additional insight on the new major, please feel free to meet with any one of our AGNR Peer Mentors. 

AGNR Four-Year Plans

AGNR Peer Mentors

Complete the College of AGNR Major Change Course

This free, self-paced course in ELMS will introduce you to the College and its resources, people, organizations, policies, and programs of study. It will provide you with opportunities to explore your interests and map them to a specific AGNR major.  It is a great way to explore all the College has to offer.

AGNR Change of Major Course


Contact your intended AGNR Academic Department

Contact the AGNR Department for your intended major to let them know that you intend to declare one of their programs.

Departmental Advising

Meet with your new Academic Department for Advising (if you have not already done so)

All AGNR majors will have a department-specific advising component to the change of major process.  Use this time to ask questions, explore options, and make a solid graduation plan for your new major.

Departmental Advising