Advice for Aspiring Farmers - Interview Series

Farmer Profile: Tyler Butler
What is the name of your farm and what does your farm produce?
Butler's Orchard. Located in Germantown MD. We grow fruits and vegetables with a focus on agritoursim. Pick Your Own mainly.
What is your job/position title?
3rd generation farmer. General Manager.
How did you get involved/interested in the agricultural profession?
I was raised on the farm working alongside my family. I became interested in this profession because my family not once pushed me into the business, they showed me potential and opportunity. I feel this was so important in my return to the family business.
What do you enjoy most about your job/position?
The most enjoyable part of my job is that it is never the same. It's always changing with the seasons and each year brings on new challenges. I really enjoy watching our customers create family memories in our pick your own fields.
What is the most challenging part of your job/position?
The most challenging part of my job is not the farming, it's managing the personnel. Each individual who works for me has their own way of communicating and work styles.
What experiences, trainings, and/or partnerships have helped the success of your business?
I was a member of LEAD Maryland class IV. This 2 year leadership program was a wonderful experience and greatly helped me as I grow into a farm owner.
What advice would you give to people who aspire to farm or are just beginning their agricultural career?
Experience agriculture in as many ways as you possibly can, so you can really understand what interests you. There are so many facets to agriculture and without experiencing many of them on my own I wouldn't have known the correct path for me.
What is your favorite thing sold in the Butler's Orchard Farm Market?
We take great pride in the produce we grow and sell, but my favorite item sold at our farm is our strawberries. We have over 15 acres and still grow some varieties my grandfather used to grow. The strawberry is the very first fruit that comes into season for us and is a sign of the great summer flavors to come.