UME Compliance

AGNR Equal Access Policie


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AGNR Equal Access Policies

ADO-AED-CED Interim Review Form May 2014
Compliance Review Checklist for all UME Field Faculty

AGNR’s Position Statement: Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Program Access
AGNR, as a recipient of Federal financial assistance, to take every effort to ensure program participants, potential and eligible beneficiaries, and sub-recipients have meaningful access to our programs, services, employment, educational programs, and extend full consideration to all individuals, including those identified as Limited English Proficient Persons (LEP).

Administrative Procedure: Public Policy Notification - Entire Document (15 pages) including Procedure / 7 Program Assurance Statements / Program Complaint Flow Chart / Program or Facility Complaint Form.
(Formerly nondiscrimination disclaimer) Describes implementation on all communication channels and educational material regarding public education, public distribution and public notification of AGNR federally assisted programs.

Anti-Harassment Procedure – Respectful Workplaces, Reporting Procedures, and Responsibilities
As the cornerstone college of the University of Maryland (UMD) and the “people’s” college, our commitment to building and maintaining a community which reflects our value system, fosters our fundamental land-grant mission and celebrates individual differences and diversity is an integral part of our existence. AGNR has a zero-tolerance policy for conduct prohibited by UMD policies, including but not limited to bullying, discrimination, harassment (including but not limited to sexual harassment), sexual misconduct, and retaliation.

Assurance Agreement (replaces  AA-AF-3) 
Formerly the Nondiscrimination Letter for Partnering with External Organizations. AGNR Operating Units who are delivering federally assisted programs are expected to utilize the following document to specify partnerships and expectations with external stakeholders and/or organizations benefiting "directly or indirectly" from federal financial assistance. 

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All Posters

Compliance Poster Request
Poster QR code

Please utilize the Compliance Poster Request form to request any compliance related posters such as And Justice for All, Maryland Labor Law, I Speak Language, etc. For any questions regarding this form, please reach out to

Civil Rights Poster, "And Justice for All," (AJFA GREEN) 

The "And Justice For All" Civil Rights poster is the primary method utilized to inform customers of their rights, responsibilities and displays information relevant to assisted programs. Recipients of federally-assisted programs, such as land-grant institutions are required to display this poster in their facilities where it can be viewed by customers and while conducting program delivery. This required poster should be displayed in the specific size of 11" width x 17" height.

Civil Rights Poster, "And Justice for All," (SNAP version, AJFA BLUE)

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) version. The "And Justice For All" Civil Rights poster is the primary method utilized to inform customers of their rights, responsibilities and displays information relevant specifically to the SNAP.  Recipients of federally-assisted programs, such as land-grant institutions, are required to display this poster in their facilities where it can be viewed by customers and while conducting program delivery. This required poster should be displayed in the specific size of 11" width x 17" height.  

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Compliance Training Schedule

2023: How to Prepare for an Internal Program Assessment Training Schedule
This training and other assessments will measure the nondiscrimination of our programs and services. This training is derived from the regulations established by NIFA in preparation for a civil rights compliance review of our Extension and Research operations. 

2023: Internal Program Assessment Review Schedule 
2023 - Internal Program Assessment review scheduled conducted by the Compliance Program Team. Interview times will be forwarded via calendar invitation. 

2022-2023: Anti-Harassment of a Sexual & Non-Sexual Nature Training Schedule
The 2022-2023 training will include Anti-Harassment of a Sexual/Non-Sexual Nature as it aligns with sex-discrimination prohibitions and protection by federal law under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This training element expands the noted prohibitions beyond sex to include other forms of harassment and discriminatory practices. 

2021:  Civil Rights (Title VI) Training Schedule 2021
12/01/2021 Presentation:  Breaking Barriers: Physical, Language, and Other Forms of Accessibility

The 2021 virtual training sessions will facilitate our mission requirements under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to provide training related to the Limited English Proficient audiences we are reaching in our state and programmatic or county/city/facility specific plans. Such noted training and plan creation compliments our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect (DEIR) initiatives and College-level Plan requirements under Executive Order 13166, "Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency." As well as providing DEIR related content to the educators reaching broader beneficiaries of the state.

2020:  Civil Rights (Title VI/VII) Training Schedule 2020
12/16/2020 Presentation:  Title VI and VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

This 2020 virtual training session covers Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Title VI predominantly focuses on our responsibilities to our customers receiving federal financial assistance while Title VII instructs AGNR faculty and staff in their roles and responsibilities relative to employment. The training will greatly strengthen understanding of overall programmatic and research responsibilities of the University of Maryland Extension (UME) and the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) as it relates to federal laws, directives, and policies of AGNR's funding entities and the agencies enforcing federal oversight. Additionally, the training encompasses an overview of other anti-discrimination laws, internal administrative procedures, resources and the compliant notification process for Title VI reporting.

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Disability Resources

Affinity List
Signing, Language, and Interpreting Services Directory:  This document lists Interpreters and/or Translators consistent with our mission as a Land-grant University providing equality and accessibility in regards to any and all programs, events, and/or activities supported in whole or in part by federal financial assistance. This document supports our efforts relative to Executive Order 13166 for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Persons.

Maryland Relay 

Maryland Relay is a free public service that enables anyone to place phone calls to a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, speech disabled or DeafBlind and who uses specialized telephone equipment. 

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IPA Forms & Procedures

ICR - Internal Compliance Review Guide
Internal Compliance Review - Faculty Guide

ICR Appendices
Appendices & Definitions for the above

ICR Best Practices 2013
Best practices for fostering involvement and diversity in programs

ICR County Review Schedule 2014 - 2020
Pending Review- Continue Usage

ICR Forms Listing
Pending Review- Continue Usage

ICR Forms Listing - AA-AF-1 - Internal Compliance Review Response Plan
Pending Review- Continue Usage

ICR Forms Listing - Form AA-AF- 8 - EAC Committee
Pending Review- Continue Usage

ICR Forms Listing - Form AA-AF-15 - Training Log
Pending Review- Continue Usage

ICR Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Pending Review- Continue Usage

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Language Access

Limited English Proficiency -Regulation
Pending Update, Continue Usage

Limited English Proficiency - Proposed LEP Rules
Pending Update, Continue Usage

Limited English Proficiency - Frequently Ask Questions
Pending Update, Continue Usage

Limited English Proficiency - Policy
Pending Update, Continue Usage

Program Assurance Statements

Program/Facility Complaint Form

Assurance Statements & Complaint Forms are  available in the top eight languages spoken in Maryland.

Translation Assistance Request 

Available in the top seven languages spoken in Maryland after English, enabling patrons to request translation assistance.

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Laws, Directives & Regulations

Administrative Procedure: Public Policy Notification -
Entire Document (15 pages) including Procedure / 7 Program Assurance Statements / Program Complaint Flow Chart / Program or Facility Complaint Form.
(Formerly nondiscrimination disclaimer) Describes implementation on all communication channels and educational material regarding public education, public distribution and public notification of AGNR federally assisted programs.

USDA Civil Rights Policy for Employment and Land Grant Programs 
Secretary of Agricultures' Civil Rights policy and affirmation regarding equal access to federal financial assisted programs effectuating Title VI/VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 

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Population Data

Data & Parity Primer Recording
Currently Down

Data & Parity Faculty
Information regarding UME Data Collection & Inclusion

Data & Parity Quiz Key
Answer Key to the Data & Parity Quiz

Data Parity Tool
Guide to calculating resourced-based parity

Data Participant Contact Sheet
Contact sheet for Parity Data Participants

Data Policy
Not in effect until 2020

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Program Complaints & Procedures

Documenting All Reasonable Efforts
General guidelines for documenting "All Reasonable Efforts" to integrate all Extension educational programs conducted in interracial areas.

Federal Discrimination Laws
Pending Review- Continue Usage

Invitation to Self-Identify Form
The purpose of collecting data serves various purposes such as, but not limited to, (1) ensuring our programs are delivered in a nondiscriminatory way, (2) solely for planning purposes to deliver programs like the one your invested in today, (3) isolates the amount of funding we acquire to deliver programs to individuals within our communities and beyond Maryland State parameters, and (4) to ensure we are serving all individuals equitably and reaching populations which are underserved, underrepresented and socially disadvantage. 

The Human Capital & Compliance Corner: 

The Human Captal & Compliance Corner is AGNR's compliance newsletter, designed to support and inform faculty and staff on opportunities for internal training, ethical and legal updates, diversity and inclusion benchmarks, and all developments regarding human resources and compliance.

Program Complaint Flow Chart

Program/Facility Complaint Form

Complaint Forms are available in the top eight languages spoken in Maryland.

UMD's EEOC Policy
University of Maryland Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Statement of Policy

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