Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Management and direction of the Center are vested in the Board of Directors comprised of not less than 12 or more than 27 members.  The purpose of the Board is to advise the Executive Director in the development of a budget, on the policies and procedures of the Center, in the funding of research grant proposals, and on program planning and review.

Although there is no specific directive as to how the Board is to be comprised, the objective has been to make sure that membership represents different geographic areas of the State and reflects a balance among the agricultural, forestry, environmental, academic, public policy and planning communities

  • Dr. Craig Beyrouty
  • Mr. Steve Black - Secretary 
  • Dr. Jonathan Cumming
  • Mr. Brett Grohsgal
  • Ms. Isabel Hardesty
  • Mr. Joshua A. Hastings
  • Mr. Ed Heikes
  • Ms. Amy Jacobs
  • Mr. Steven Jones
  • Mr. Erroll Mattox
  • Mr. Andrew McLean - Treasurer
  • Honorable Thomas "Mac" Middleton - President
  • Ms. Alison Prost
  • Mr. Ernie Shea - Vice President
  • Ms. Pat Stuntz
  • Mr. Billy Willard
  • Mr. Christopher S. Zarba

Members Emeriti

  • Mr. K. King Burnett
  • Mr. Ed Fry
  • Mr. Robert Hutchison