DEIR Education

DEIR Education Workshops

We are pleased to announce a new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect (DEIR) education curriculum at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR). An essential part of building a welcoming and respectful culture, DEIR professional development for faculty and staff will deepen our knowledge and create a shared language that reflects our values and advances our strategic plan.

The new DEIR workshops will provide tools, skills, and resources using research-based, interactive content. Completing the program earns participants a certificate and the option of joining a train-the-trainer initiative.

Workshops are open to all AGNR faculty and staff and can also be requested for specific groups like supervisors, faculty by rank, staff only, UME, MAES, or for individual units. 

With the goal of having consistent days and times for the workshops, we are asking those interested to complete this form to indicate day and time preferences. The workshop location or zoom information will then be emailed as a calendar invitation. A one-page flyer is available at this link


The DEIR workshops will provide tools, skills and resources using research-based, interactive content.

Comprised of three units, each unit offers two workshops that build on each other for a total of 8 hours of DEIR education. Each session will include activities and exercises to help participants reflect and discuss.

Completing the 8-hour program earns a participant a certificate and the option of joining a train-the-trainer initiative.

THE SELF: Self-Awareness & Cultural Awareness

  • Workshop A: Implicit Bias, Cultural Identity & Cultural Humility (90-minutes)
  • Workshop B: Emotional Intelligence, Listening & Dialogue (60-minutes)

THE CONTEXT: Foundational Learning

  • Workshop C: Social identities, history, movements, and systems (90-minutes)
  • Workshop D: LGBTQ Awareness, Empathy (60-minutes)

THE APPLICATION: Communication & Collaboration 

  • Workshop E: Inclusive Communication, terminology & DEIR glossary (90-minutes)
  • Workshop F: Inclusive Actions, Microaggression Intervention, Reflection (90-minutes)

1. THE SELF: Self-Awareness & Cultural Awareness

The Self, the first unit in the series, is focused on increasing both self-awareness and cultural awareness.

The first session, Workshop A, covers topics such as implicit bias, cultural identity and cultural humility. This initial session is 90-minutes. The second session, Workshop B is a 60-minute session that covers the topics of emotional intelligence, active listening and effective dialogue.

The purpose of the unit is for participants to understand various elements of their own culture and other cultures with respect to factors like history, values, politics, communication styles, beliefs, traditions, practices, and so on.

Reflecting on personal perspectives and biases helps increase the ability to recognize how behaviors and practices we sometimes view as "standard" might have different meanings in other cultures. Openness to including new or unfamiliar viewpoints by listening with respect and curiosity, improves relationships and helps us to build a positive work culture. 

Each session will include activities to help participants reflect and discuss, and very brief "pre-work" exercises to be completed between workshops.

2. THE CONTEXT: Foundational Learning

The Context, the second unit in the series, focuses on how and why building an equitable, diverse society became a priority in the US and around the world. 

The first session, Workshop C, covers topics such as social systems, cultural identities, and legal history. This session is 90-minutes. The second session, Workshop D is a 60-minute session that includes the topics such as LGBTQ+ awareness, and increasing connection through empathy in the workplace.

The purpose of the unit is for participants to understand the origins of the historic, and current, unequal experiences of some US groups and how our actions can increase equity.

Participants will become more aware of how social attitudes and cultural stereotypes can impact our behavior and practices. 

We will spend time reflecting on ways that individuals, groups, and communities have been excluded or encouraged to assimilate, in order to develop strategies for including people with diverse needs in culturally appropriate ways.

Each session will include activities and very brief "pre-work" exercises to be completed between workshops.


3. THE APPLICATION: Communication & Collaboration 

The Application, the third unit in the series, is focused on increasing interpersonal skills.

The first session, Workshop E, covers topics such as inclusive communication, "language policing", and so-called cancel culture.  This session is 90-minutes. The second session, Workshop F is a 60-minute session includes recognizing and interrupting microaggressions, listening skills, and adding DEIR practices to activities and processes.

The purpose of the unit is for participants to be able to combine the learning from the workshops into actions that will contribute to an inclusive, respectful workplace.

The ability to be open and accepting in order to connect with and include people who are different from us requires continual learning. 

By working inclusively we demonstrate our professionalism and commitment to fulfilling our land-grant mission of teaching, research and extension and building an equitable and diverse culture at AGNR and across Maryland.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are undergraduate and graduate students able to attend the workshops? 

The workshops are currently designed for faculty and staff. We anticipate student versions will be developed in the future.

Do I have to attend with my co-workers, or wait for my supervisor to schedule a workshop? 

No. The workshops will be available monthly so anyone can attend 

What is the purpose of the workshops? 

The purpose is to provide education and resources that help AGNR be a place where everyone is welcome and feels they can thrive. Including previously ignored or overlooked perspectives, increasing our ability to engage with and reach different people, and learning to reflect our DEIR values through actions, language, and our physical environment, are all examples of what we hope to achieve. 

Why is the series so long? Can't we just do it all in one day and get it over with?

Learning about complicated topics takes time. To be most useful the learning should include practical applications and personal relevance. The space between each workshop in the series gives participants time to think about the material and find ways use it. Building a community of people learning together is also an opportunity to share and learn from each other during and between sessions.

What is the train-the-trainer initiative?

Train-the-trainer will be an opportunity for certificate holders to learn to facilitate DEIR dialogues in the context of their work. More details will be provided as the program is developed.