Maryland Equestrian Team (UMET)

Maryland Equestrian Team (UMET)

The Maryland Equestrian Team is a student-run club sport at the University of Maryland, College Park with around 40 active members. We compete as an equitation team in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) in Zone 4 Region 1 against roughly 12 other schools in 8-12 shows each year. We ride in Gaithersburg, MD with our coach Astrid Dalley. We do not require tryouts to join the team, no prior competition experience is necessary, showing is not mandatory, and any full-time UMD student is eligible to join. However, we do ask that those participating in lessons be able to walk, trot, and canter in a group.

Our team values horsemanship, sportsmanship, community and leadership. We are highly involved both on and off-campus in philanthropic and community service events, fundraisers in the College Park area and at sporting events, and social events with other student organizations and sport teams. We offer a plethora of opportunities for our members to grow through clinics and on-the-ground horsemanship lessons on skills such as proper horse and barn maintenance.

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