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Jonathan Stephanoff

IT Coor

IT Coordinator: Web Manager & Multimedia Specialist

Animal & Avian Sciences / Environmental Science & Technology 0469A Animal Sci/AgEng Bldg 8127 Regents Drive College Park, MD 20742


  • Website Design & Management
  • Multimedia
  • Graphic Design


  • Master of Arts, Photojournalism, University of Missouri, School of Journalism - 2014
  • Bachelor of Science, Anthropology, Missouri State University - 2007

Professional Summary:

I am a visual storyteller; my camera is just one tool I use – a well-developed website or interactive design project can tell as powerful a story. I approach every project from a visual-first perspective with an eye for dynamic communication and cross-platform utility. I hold a master’s degree from a top school for journalism and my skills include photo, video, production, campaign creation, editorial development, print layout, and website design.

Profile Page Content Examples

Image with Text:

Students with horses on farm
Caption: ANSC students with horse and foal on Campus Farm

Here is some text that can go along with the image and caption.

You can also bold or Italicize, or style text differently:

Like this

Or this

Or make links or buttons: Link

Image with Text Feature:

Here are some lab bottles with stuff in them. 


Here is some text that can go along with the image and caption.

You can also bold or Italicize, or style text differently:

Like this

Or this

Or make links or buttons: Link

Drive Embedded Photo


Image with Text Feature

stormwater running off sidewalk

Image with Text