I am a plant pathologist with statewide extension responsibility to address disease management concerns in commercial wine grape and small fruit production. My research has been primarily focused on fungicide resistance and epidemiology, with emphasis on Botrytis spp., Colletotrichum spp. and other common fungal pathogens associated with fruit rots.
Postdoctoral Research Associate (09/2013 – 01/2018), Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Ph.D. Plant Pathology; Huazhong Agricultural University (2013)
B.S. Plant Protection; China Agricultural University (2008)
New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research, 2020. Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research.
Contributor of Virginia Strawberry Association News, 2020 Outstanding Education Materials Award; ASHS American Soc. for Hort. Sci. Extension Division Education Award under the Newsletter Category.
Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2014, Huazhong Agricultural University
National Scholarship for PhD student, 2012, Ministry of Education of China
Associate Professor (07/2024 – present), Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Assistant Professor (02/2018 – 06/2024), Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Maryland Pesticide Applicator License (No. 8939-90660)
2022 – present: Senior Editor for Plant Disease Journal (American Phytopathological Society)
2014 – present: American Phytopathological Society Pathogen Resistance Committee (member)
2014 – present: American Phytopathological Society Chemical Control Committee (member)
Fungicide resistance and its molecular basis
Disease epidemiology
Understanding and managing grape late-season rots
Fitness cost associated with fungicide resistance
Disease model development
Validation and implementation of small fruit disease forecasting models
Creation and maintenance of grape section in the MyIPM app
Monitoring fungicide resistance
Fungicide efficacy field trials