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Sarah M Hirsh



Somerset County 30730 Park Drive Princess Anne, Maryland 21853


  • Somerset County
  • Lower Shore Cluster
  • Agronomy
  • Agronomy Field Crops
  • soils
  • Cover Crops
  • Nutrient Management
  • Herbicide Resistant Weed Management

Sarah Hirsh is the Agriculture Extension Agent for University of Maryland in Somerset County since 2018. She has a background working in agricultural research and extension, in areas of soil, water, and crop management. Sarah received her PhD in Soil Science from University of MD in 2018, her M.S. in Sustainable Agriculture and Ecology from Iowa State University in 2012, and her B.S. in biology and psychology from Grove City College. Sarah aspires to work with farmers to improve the productivity and profitability of agriculture while conserving soil, water, and biodiversity. Educational programs have included soils, cover crops, nutrient management, and weed management.