AGNR Celebrates Newest Graduates

Image Credit: Edwin Remsberg, Inc.

January 2, 2014 Sara Gavin

More than 100 students gathered inside the University of Maryland’s Memorial Chapel on December 22nd for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources’ winter commencement ceremony. This latest group of graduates from the College of AGNR included 70 receiving undergraduate degrees, 25 receiving master’s degrees and 19 earning a Ph.D.

Among a talented pool of students, two were selected to deliver speeches to the graduating class:

Junchao “Michael” Lu is a 2+2 transfer student who majored in food science. A native of Liaocheng, China, Michael completed his degree here at the University of Maryland following two years of study at Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in China with dual degrees conferred. During his time at UMD, Michael worked as a student employee in the College of AGNR’s International Programs Office and served as an undergraduate research assistant in a laboratory in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science. After graduation, Michael plans to work as a student technician at the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and to attend graduate school in the fall of 2014.

Sarah Katz-Hyman completed a double major in Environmental Science and Policy and Broadcast Journalism. While at the University of Maryland, Sarah served as the President of the Terrapin Trail Club, a sustainability advisor with the campus Office of Sustainability, a T.A. for the ENSP program, and a Radio DJ at WMUC 88.1 FM College Park. After graduation she hopes to work in environmental communication and education and dreams of one day having her own science show.

In addressing the new grads, Dean Cheng-i Wei reflected on the recent passing of Nelson Mandela and his belief that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use the change the world.”

“While we often think of weapons as instruments of injury, the dictionary also describes weapons as a ‘means of gaining an advantage,’” said Dean Wei. “Your education is indeed a powerful weapon that I know you will use as a tool for gaining advantage not just for yourself but to improve our nation and the world.”

Congratulations to the Class of 2013! Please visit our photo gallery for more pictures of the 2013 AGNR Winter Commencement Ceremony.