AGNR to Host Memorial for Faculty Member

September 18, 2014 Sara Gavin

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources mourns the unexpected passing of Dr. Brian Bequette, an associate professor in the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences. Dr. Bequette fell ill while working with students in his lab Tuesday, September 16 and was taken to the hospital where he later died.

The ANSC Department will host a memorial service to honor the life and contributions of Dr. Bequette to the UMD community. The memorial will be on Thursday October 2, 2014, beginning at 5pm in the main chapel of Memorial Chapel. Information regarding directions and parking can be found here:

Those who cannot attend the service but wish to submit something to be read on their behalfs may email To accommodate the number of people who wish to share their memories of Dr. Bequette, please limit remembrances to one paragraph or less.

“This is a tragic loss for our entire College but especially for Dr. Bequette’s students, who worked closely with him and were inspired by his enthusiasm and dedication,” said Cheng-i Wei, dean of the College of AGNR. “Our thoughts are with Dr. Bequette’s family and friends in this sad time.”

Dr. Bequette joined the University of Maryland faculty in 2001. His research focused on nutrient metabolism in animals and he taught several undergraduate and graduate courses for the department.