UMD Nutrition and Food Science Professor Liangli Yu
Image Credit: Edwin Remsberg
Want to see the world and get paid for it while having a direct impact on the health of the world’s population? If so, consider a career in FOOD SAFETY!
It’s Food Safety Education Month and hopefully through weekly tips put out by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) and the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN), the message is now clear: food safety is important to everyone.
Additionally, the fast-growing global demand for food and increasing governmental regulations designed to keep the food supply safe means the need for trained food safety professionals will continue to rise. From nutrition and food science to animal science, plant science, public and health policy, law and epidemiology –the possibilities are plentiful. The College of AGNR has multiple departments and programs that can help put students on the path to a career in this exciting and expanding field including:
Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Center for Food Safety and Security Systems
Plant Science & Landscape Architecture
Agricultural & Resource Economics
The College of AGNR and JIFSAN have been providing weekly food safety tips all month long. Be sure to check out previous information on the “Four Cs:” Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill, using a meat thermometer and why to wash up before you dig in.
For more information on JIFSAN, visit
For more information on the College of AGNR, go to