Maryland 4-Hers Featured in National Youth Science Competition

Mongtomery County 4-H youth participate in an experiment for National Youth Science Day

October 12, 2012 Sara Gavin

4-H youth all over the state of Maryland broke a mental sweat while putting their stamp on the fifth annual National Youth Science Day by participating in various events designed to highlight the importance of 4-H science programming across the country.

For instance, several Maryland 4-H clubs, including the Lucky Clovers from Montgomery County, were involved in an experiment called the Eco-Bot Challenge at the National 4-H Center in Washington, D.C.

Fox 5 News spent some time talking to the 4-Hers about the challenge. Watch the video here:

In the Eco-Bot Challenge, the youth were charged with assembling their own robots, or Eco-bots, using toothbrush heads and batteries and then devising a plan to manage a simulated toxic spill.

4-H National Youth Science Day, held this year on October 10th, brings together youth, volunteers and educators from the nation’s 111 land-grant colleges and universities to simultaneously complete a national science experiment. It also coincides with National 4-H week, which runs from October 7 – 13.

4-H is the largest youth development program in the nation with just over 6 million participating annually, including 83,000 in Maryland. Maryland 4-H offers diverse education opportunities through University of Maryland Extension. Click here for more information.