Nancy K. Nunn Named Assistant Director of Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology

September 18, 2017 Suzanne Dorsey

Queenstown, MD – Nancy K. Nunn, long-time Communications and Outreach Coordinator for the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology has been named Assistant Director after a nationwide search.

“Nancy Nunn is the right person to move the Hughes Center to the next level,” said Executive Director Suzanne E. Dorsey, Ph.D.  “Nancy’s professional relationships and collaborative work, coupled with her agricultural experience, made her stand out.”

Ms. Nunn has played a key role at the Hughes Center since 2007.  She was especially influential in shaping the Center’s engagement with state and local governments as they created Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) for the Chesapeake Bay clean-up. Ms. Nunn built relationships with stakeholders and articulated the needs and concerns of communities in implementing nutrient management plans to the Governor and appropriate Secretaries.  As a result, the organization was recently cited by the Bay Program as a “model for local engagement.”

“Nancy is inspirational,” said Hughes Center Board Member and forest landowner Lucy Wright.” She is quietly dynamic and instills confidence in whatever endeavor she is supporting.”

“Nancy’s work on the WIP workshops has been magnificent,” said Board Member Erroll Mattox, who is a farm management specialist with UMES Extension. “They have helped put the Hughes Center ‘on the map,’ and they would not have happened without her hard work and organizing skills.”

Ms. Nunn steps into a role held by Dr. Sarah Taylor-Rogers, who retired in 2017 after serving 15 years with the Hughes Center.  Her retirement closely followed the retirement of the founding executive director, Dr. Russ Brinsfield, in 2015. 

The Center’s Board continues to be guided by the Honorable Governor Harry R. Hughes and a diverse group of farmers, foresters, environmentalists, legislators and academics.  Building on the Center’s strong foundation, the staff and board continue to implement its mission: to provide leadership to promote environmentally sound and economically viable agriculture and forestry as Maryland’s preferred land use through research outreach and collaboration.