Roots Africa Named UMD Representative for Universitas21 RISE Showcase

Image Credit: Edwin Remsberg, University of Maryland

November 22, 2019 Maryland Today

The University of Maryland has selected Roots Africa as its representative for the 2019 Universitas21 (U21) RISE Showcase and Awards.

RISE (Real Impact on Society & Environment) is an international showcase of student achievement in sustainability and social innovation, designed to accelerate the scale and impact of student-led projects by connecting them with a network of experts in academia and industry that can pledge support.

Roots Africa, an organization founded at UMD in 2017 to teach and implement creative, sustainable agricultural solutions, created a video to pitch its project to potential international collaborators through the RISE Showcase. The group was started by Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics (AREC) 2018 graduate, Cedric Nwafor. 

Read more in Maryland Today.