Watch the Debate: How Do We Feed the World's Growing Population?

November 13, 2012 Kirsten Petersen

On November 7, five AGNR faculty members debated the most effective methods to feed the world's growing population. The 2012 AGNR Faculty Debate was attended by approximately 120 people.

The entire debate can be viewed below. Check back here for highlights and student comments.

Seated right to left: Dr. Apter (Animal Sciences), Dr. Leathers (Agricultural Resource Economics), Dr. Glenn (Plant Sciences), Dr. Bequette (Animal Sciences), Dr. Weil (Environmental Science and Technology)

To see responses to the four debate questions, view the video at the following times:

1.) (00:04:30) Is it better to feed the growing population by a worldwide switch to more backyard farming, or continued intensive, industrialized farming?
2.) (00:14:00) Can GMOs be a possible solution or will the loss of genetic diversity hurt us in the long run?
3.) (00:26:40) Can we feed the world population while improving the environment?
4.) (00:36:45) As our population grows will we be able to sustain the typical western diet?