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Emileigh Rosso Lucas

Faculty Specialist

Nutrient Management Communications Specialist

Agricultural Nutrient Management Program 0116 Symons Hall 7998 Regents Drive College Park, Maryland 20742


Articles in refereed journals:

  • Lucas, E., Mosesso, L., Roswall, T., Yang, Y.-Y., Scheckel, K., Shober, A., Toor, G.S., 2022. X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy reveals phosphate minerals at surface and agronomic sampling depths in agricultural Ultisols saturated with legacy phosphorus. Chemosphere.  308, 136288.
  • Roswall, T.; Lucas, E.; Yang, Y.-Y.; Burgis, C.; Scott, I.S.P.C.; Toor, G.S. Hotspots of Legacy Phosphorus in Agricultural Landscapes: Revisiting Water-Extractable Phosphorus Pools in Soils. Water 2021, 13, 1006, DOI: 10.3390/w13081006
  • Lucas, E. R., Toor, G. S., McGrath, J. M. (2021). Agronomic and environmental phosphorus decline in coastal plain soils after cessation of manure application. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 311, DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2021.107337
  • Bolster, C. H., McGrath, J. M., Rosso, E., Blomback, K. (2020). Evaluating the effectiveness of the phosphorus sorption index for estimating maximum phosphorus sorption capacity. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 84(3), 994-1005, DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20078


I co-teach the following workshops annually for the Agricultural Nutrient Management Program. Reach out if you want more information about any of the following:

  • Farmer Training and Certification- Become certified to write your own nutrient management plan
  • Fundamentals of Nutrient Management- Take this training course to prepare for the Maryland Nutrient Management Exam, which one takes to become certified as a Nutrient Management Consultant
  • How to Write a Nutrient Management Plan- Once certified as a consultant, take this practical course to learn how to compile the nutrient management plan for various scenarios
  • Practical Experiences in Nutrient Management- Learn hands-on applications of ag nutrient management techniques and practices, including yield checks, manure spreader calibrations, and more.


M.S. University of Maryland, College Park, MD (2017)

            Department: Environmental Science and Technology

            Major: Soil and Watershed Science

            Advisor: Joshua M. McGrath, Frank Coale

            Thesis: Evaluating Soil Phosphorus Dynamics Over Time


B.S. University of Maryland, College Park, MD (2011)

            Department: Environmental Science and Policy

            Major: Environment and Agriculture

            Advisor: Scott Glenn

            Special Programs: College Park Scholars



  • Certified Crop Advisor
  • Certified Nutrient Management Consultant


  • Mid-Atlantic Association of Professional Soil Scientists, Member (July 2019 to Present)
  • American Society of Agronomy, Member (April 2012 to Present)
  • Soil Science Society of America, Member (April 2012 to Present)