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Dr. Chad Stahl

Professor & Chair

Professor & Chair

Animal & Avian Sciences 1413 AnSc/AgEn Building 8127 Regents Drive College Park, Maryland 20742

Professional Summary:

  • Improving swine growth via nutritional programming of Stem Cell Populations
  • Developmental nutrition
  • Tissue-specific stem cells
  • Alternatives to conventional antibiotics
  • Effects of early-life nutrition on lifetime growth performance
  • Programming of mesenchymal stem cells and satellite cells
  • Identifying alternatives to conventional antibiotics for intestinal pathogens
  • Improving Swine Growth via Nutritional Programming of Stem Cell Populations (USDA/AFRI)

Professional Work:

Professional Positions Held: 

  • 2015 – Present, Professor and Chair, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, University of Maryland
  • 2013 – 2015, Professor, Department of Animal Science, North Carolina State University, Appointment: 60% Research, 40% Extension
  • 2007 – 2013, Associate Professor, Department of Animal Science, North Carolina State University, Appointment: 60% Research, 40% Extension
  • 2002 – 2007, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Appointment: 75% Research, 25% Teaching
  • 2001 – 2002, Biologist, Center for Veterinary Medicine, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • 1996 – 2001, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Animal Science, Cornell University

Leadership Positions and Service in Professional Societies:

  • American Society of Nutritional Sciences (ASN) - 2002 – present.
    • Editorial Board Member for Journal of Nutrition 2010 – present (currently serving third 2 yr term).
    • Chairman of the Experimental Animal Nutrition RIS - 2007 – 8.
    • Vice-Chairman of the Experimental Animal Nutrition RIS - 2006 – 7.
    • Chaired, "Animal Research Models for Macronutrient Metabolism" at Experimental Biology 2012. With co-chair R.P. Rhoads.
    • Chaired, "Animal growth and bone health" at Experimental Biology 2009.
    • Chaired, "Appropriate animal models for nutritional research in health and disease" at Experimental Biology 2007. With co-chairs X.L. Lei and B. Larson.
  • American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) - 1997 – present.
  • Associate Editor for Journal of Animal Science 2013 – present


  • Ph.D., Animal Science, Minors: Microbiology and Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University
  • M.S., Animal Science, Concentration: Animal Nutrition, Cornell University
  • B.S., Animal Science, North Carolina State University

Grants & Funding:

Extramural funding received as Project Director at University of Maryland

  • Improve the sustainability of swine production. USDA / NIFA. $497,000. 2020-2023.
  • A porcine model for investigating the role of an insulin signaling regulator in development and disease. NICHD NIS. $1,596,620. 2018-2023. With B. Telugu.
  • Ultra-Convenient cardiovascular risk predictors measurement based in the ballistocarduigram. American Heart Association. $200,00. 2018-2020.
  • Improving swine growth via nutritional programming of Stem Cell Populations. AFRI USDA. $455,000. 2015-2019. PD with co-I H.C. Liu, R.P. Rhoads, X. Cui, and D.B. Allison.

Extramural funding received as Project Director at N.C. State University

  • Unrestricted gift from Nomad Bioscience, GmbH. $75,000. 2015
  • Unrestricted gift from Nomad Bioscience, GmbH. $25,000. 2013
  • Enhanced hemoglobin production in piglets with FCP, a low molecular weight iron chelate. BioLonk Life Sciences, Inc. (Prime--USDA) $57,834. 2012-13.
  • Unrestricted gift from Tate and Lyle, PLC. $83,100. 2012.
  • Unrestricted gift from Mead Johnson Nutritionals. $50,000. 2012.
  • Unrestricted gift from Vetagro S.p.A. $25,000. 2012
  • Unrestricted gift from Vetagro S.p.A. $45,000. 2011.
  • Development of a miRNA/target Gene Dataset to Elucidate the Molecular   Mechanisms Responsible for Lineage Allocation in Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Biotechnology Research and Development Corporation. $492,186. 2010-13. PD with co-PI H.C. Liu.
  • Nutritional Programming Impacts Life-time Efficiency of Phosphate Utilization. N.C. Agricultural Foudation $14,980. 2010-11. PD.
  • Development of Novel Alternatives to Conventional Antibiotic for Inclusion in Swine Feed. N.C. Agricultural Foudation $53,637. 2010-2013. PD.
  • Unrestricted gift from Novus International, Inc. $49,500. 2010.
  • A Novel Therapy for Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Poisoning. SoyMeds, Inc. (Prime--National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) $280,846. 2009-11. PD with co-PI J. Odle.
  • Optimization of Colicin E1 Expression By Pichia Pastoris. Ivy Animal Health, Inc. $100,000. 2009. PD.
  • Unrestricted gift from Kemin. $25,000.
  • Comparison of Two Different Calcium Sources in Formula Diets Meeting Calcium
  • Requirements for Neonatal Pigs. Mead Johnson & Co. $165,189. 2008. PD with Co-PI J. Odle.

Funding received as Co-Principal Investigator at N.C. State University

  • Effects of Hemicell HT 1.5X and Escherichia coli F18 on growth performance and gut health of nursery pigs. Co-PD with A. Moeser. Elanco Animal Health $160,000. 2014.
  • The impact of piglet weaning age on gut mucosal defense and susceptibility to postweaning E. coli Disease. The National Pork Board $44,501. 2009. Co-PI with PD A. Moeser.
  • Effect of Selected Probiotics on Health, Growth and Development of the Suckling Neonatal Pig. Mead Johnson & Co. $450,733. 2008-11. Co-PI with PD J. Odle.
  • Prophylactic protection against food-borne pathogens afforded by dietary fruits and vegetables: Development of a young-pig screening model. Dole Foods $20,930. 2008. Co-PI with S.W. Kim, E. van Heughten, and PD J. Odle.
  • Transgenic Soybeans Expressing a Vaccine for Swine. UNC Research Competitiveness Fund $31,640. 2008. Co-PI with K. Bost, K. Piller, and J. Odle.  

Extramural Funding received at Iowa State University

  • Genetic Pathways to Environmentally Friendly Pigs. From: Biotechnology Research and Development Corporation $191,233. 2005-7. PD with co-PI M.F. Rothschild.
  • Development of Novel Vaccine for Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS). From: Plant Sciences Institute, ISU $58,635. 2005-7. PD with co-PI D.L. Harris.
  • Evaluation of Colicins for Inhibitory Activity Against E. coli of Importance in Swine Health. From: University Research Grants, Iowa State University. $16,000. PD.
  • Development of a Novel Alternative to Antibiotics in Animal Feed. From: Biotechnology Research and Development Corporation. $395,462. PD.
  • Development of a Novel Food-Grade Phytase Expression System. From: Center for Designing Foods to Improve Nutrition, Iowa State University. $31,256. PD.
  • SPF Marine Shrimp Production at Iowa State University and Evaluation of DDGS as a Nutrient for Litopeneaus vannamei. Midwest Grain Processors $40,000. 2006. Co-PI with PD D.L. Harris.
  • Evaluation of a Fine-Limestone, Low-Energy Molt Program: Effects on Egg-Production and Animal Behavior Before, During, and After a Fasting or Non-Fasting Molt. Midwest Poutlry Association and the Iowa Egg Council $60,770. 2006. Co-PI with A. Johnson, G. Brant and PD K. Bregendahl.
  • Evaluation of the nutritional value of different corn hybrid traits on the performance of pigs, broilers, and layers.  From: J.C. Robinson Seeds $99,073. 2005. Co-PI with K. Bregendahl, D.C. Beitz, K.J. Stalder, and C.G. Scanes.
  • Effects of antibiotic growth promoters and prebiotics on the intestinal health and function in turkey poults. From: Iowa Turkey Federation. $8,223. 2005.  Co-Pi with D.W. Trampel and PD Kristjan Bregendahl.
  • Effects of antibiotic growth promoters and prebiotics on the intestinal health and function in turkey poults. From: Midwest Poultry Federation. $24,669. Co-PI with D.W. Trampel and PD Kristjan Bregendahl.
  • Effects of dietary fermentable carbohydrates or their fermentation product, butyrate, on intestinal health and function. From: Center for Designing Foods to Improve Nutrition, Iowa State University $32,562. Co-PI with D.W. Trampel and PD Kristjan Bregendahl.
  • Role of 1,3 Butanediol as Bioactive Compound for Enhancing Pig Productivity. From: Celanese Ltd. $406,350. Co-PI with PD Tim Stahly.


Select Publications:

  • Bost, K.L., K.J. Piller, J. Odle, and C.H. Stahl. 2016. A Sublethal Swine Model for Defining In Vivo Superantigen-Induced Responses Following Exposure to Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B. Methods Mol Biol. 1396:115-24.
  • Schulz, S., A. Stephan, S. Hahn, L. Bortesi, F. Jarczowski, U. Bettmann, A.K. Paschke, D. Tusé, C.H. Stahl, A. Giritch, and Y. Gleba. 2015. Broad and efficient control of major foodborne pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli by mixtures of plant-produced colicins. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 112(40):E5454-60.
  • Grilli, E., B. Tugnoli, J.L. Passey, C.H. Stahl, A. Piva, and A.J. Moeser. 2015. Impact of dietary organic acids and botanicals on intestinal integrity and inflammation in weaned pigs. BMC Vet Res. 11:96. DOI 10.1186/s12917-015-0410-0.
  • Li, Y. and C.H. Stahl. 2014. Dietary Calcium Deficiency and Excess both Impact Bone Development and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Lineage Priming in Neonatal Piglets. J Nur. 144(12):1935-42. 
  • Odle, J., X. Lin, S.K. Jacobi, S.W. Kim, and C.H. Stahl. The suckling piglet as an agrimedical model for the study of pediatric nutrition and metabolism. 2014. Annu. Rev. Anim. Biosci. 2:8.1-8.26. 
  • Herfel T.M., S.K. Jacobi, X. Lin, Z.E. Jouni, M. Chichlowski, C.H. Stahl, and J. Odle. Dietary supplementation of Bifidobacterium longum strain AH1206 increases its cecal abundance and elevates intestinal interleukin-10 expression in the neonatal piglet. 2013. Food Chem Toxicol. 60:116-22. 
  • McLamb B.L., A.J. Gibson, C. Stahl, and A. J. Moeser. Early Weaning Stress in Pigs Impairs Innate Mucosal Immune Responses to Enterotoxigenic E. coli challenge and Exacerbates Intestinal Injury and Clinical Disease. 2013. PLoS One. 24;8(4):e59838. 
  • Hudson L.C., B.S. Seabolt, J. Odle, K.L. Bost, C.H. Stahl, and K.J. Piller. Sub-lethal staphylococcal enterotoxin B challenge model in pigs to evaluate protection following immunization with a soybean-derived vaccine. 2013. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 20(1):24-32. 
  • Alexander, L.S., B.S. Seabolt, R.P. Rhoads, and C.H. Stahl. Neonatal phosphate nutrition alters in vivo and in vitro satellite cell activity in pigs. 2012. Nutrients. 4:436-448. 
  • Mahajan, A., L.S. Alexander, B.S. Seabolt, D.E. Catrambone, J.P. McClung, J. Odle, T.W. Pfeiler, E.G. Loboa, and C.H. Stahl. Dietary calcium restriction affects mesenchymal stem cell activity and bone development in neonatal pigs. 2011. J Nutr. 141:73-379. 
  • Callaway. T.R., T.S. Edrington, A. Brabban, B. Kutter, L. Karriker, C. Stahl, E. Wagstrom, R. Anderson, T.L. Poole, K. Genovese, N. Krueger, R. Harvey, and D.J. Nisbet. Evaluation of Phage Treatment as a Strategy to Reduce Salmonella Populations in Growing Swine. 2011. Foodborne Pathog Dis. 8(2):261-6. 
  • Inskeep, T.K., C.H. Stahl, J. Odle, J. Oakes, L. Hudson, K.L. Bost, and K.J. Piller. Oral vaccine formulations stimulate mucosal and systemic antibody responses against Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B in a piglet model. 2010. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 17(8):1163-1169. 
  • Alexander, L.S., A. Mahajan, J. Odle, K.L. Flann, R.P. Rhoads, and C.H. Stahl. Dietary phosphate restriction decreases stem cell proliferation and subsequent growth potential in neonatal pigs. 2010. J Nutr 140(3):477-82.
  • Alexander, L.S., A. Qu, S.A. Cutler, A. Mahajan, M.F. Rothschild, W. Cai, J.C. Dekkers, and C. H. Stahl. A CALCR single nucleotide polymorphism is associated with growth performance and bone integrity in response to dietary phosphorus deficiency. 2010. J Anim Sci 88(3):1009-16. 
  • Callaway, T.R., T.S. Edrington, A. Brabban, E. Kutter, L. Karriker, C. Stahl, E. Wagstrom, R.C. Anderson, K. Genovese, J. McReynolds, R. Harvey, and D.J. Nisbet. 2010. Occurrence of salmonella-specific bacteriophages in Swine feces collected from commercial farms. Foodborne Pathog Dis. 7(7):851-6. 
  • Mahajan, A., and C.H. Stahl. Dihydroxy-cholecalciferol stimulates adipocytic differentiation of porcine mesenchymal stem cells. 2009. J Nutr Biochemistry 20(7): 512-520.
  • Patton, B.S., S.M. Lonergan, S.A. Cutler, C.H. Stahl, and J.S. Dickson. Application of Colicin E1 as a pre-fabrication intervention strategy. 2008. J. of Food Protection 71(12): 2519–2522.
  • McClung, J.P., N.E. Andersen, T.N. Tarr, C.H. Stahl, and A.J. Young. Physical activity prevents augmented body fat accretion in moderately iron deficient rats. 2008. J Nutr 138(7):1293-97.
  • Alexander, L.S., S.A. Cutler, A. Mahajan, M.F. Rothschild, T.E. Weber, B.J. Kerr and C.H. Stahl. Response to Dietary Phosphate Deficiency is Affected by Genetic Background in Growing Pigs. 2008. J Anim Sci 86(10):2585-2595. 
  • Stahl, C.H., X. Lei, and B. Larson. Introduction to the symposium: Appropriate animal models for nutritional research in health and disease. 2008. J Nutr 138(2):389-90.
  • Moore, S.M., K.J. Stalder, D.C. Beitz, C.H. Stahl, W.A. Fithian, and K. Bregendahl. The correlation of chemical and physical corn kernel traits with growth performance and carcass characteristics in pigs. 2008. J Anim Sci 86(3):592-601.
  • Moore, S.M., K.J. Stalder, D.C. Beitz, C.H. Stahl, W.A. Fithian, and K. Bregendahl. The correlation of chemical and physical corn kernel traits with production performance in broiler chickens and laying hens. 2008. J Poultry Sci 87(4): 665-676.
  • Cutler, S.A., S.M. Lonergan, N. Cornick, A.K. Johnson, and C.H. Stahl. Dietary inclusion of Colicin E1is effective in preventing Escherichia coli F18 post-weaning diarrhea in pigs. 2007. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 51(11): 3830-35.
  • Qu, A., M.F. Rothschild, and C.H. Stahl. Effect of dietary phosphorus and its interaction with genetic background on global gene expression in porcine muscle. 2007. J. Anim. Breed. and Genet. 124(4):214-24.
  • Guimaraes, S.F., M.F. Rothschild, D. Ciobanu, C.H. Stahl, and S.M. Lonergan. SNP discovery, expression and association analysis for the SDHD gene in pigs. 2007. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 124(3):139-43. 
  • Patton, B.S., J.S. Dickson, S.M. Lonergan, S.A. Cutler, and C.H. Stahl. Inhibitory activity of Colicin E1 against Listeria monocytogenes. 2007. J. Food Protection 70(5): 1256-62.
  • Scrimgeour, A.G., C.H. Stahl, J.P. McClung, L.J. Marchitelli, and A.J. Young. Moderate Zinc deficiency negatively affects biomechanical properties of rat tibiae independently of body composition. 2007. J. Nutr. Biochem. 18(12):813-819.
  • Hittmeier, L.J., L. Grapes, R.L. Lensing, M.F. Rothschild, and C.H. Stahl. Genetic Background Influences Metabolic Response to Dietary Phosphorus Restriction. 2006. J. Nutr. Biochem. 17(6):385-95.
  • Reecy, J.M., D. Moody-Spurlock, and C.H. Stahl. Gene expression profiling: Insights into skeletal muscle growth and development. 2006. J. Anim. Sci. 84 Suppl:E150-4.
  • McClung, J.P., C.H. Stahl, L.J. Marchitelli, N. Morales-Martinez, K.M. Makin, A.J. Young, and A.G. Scrimgeour. Effects of dietary phytase on body weight gain, body composition, and bone biomechanics in growing rats fed a low zinc diet. 2006. J. Nutr. Biochem. 17(3):190-96.
  • Lee, S.H., T.W. Kim, C.H. Stahl, and X.G. Lei. Expression of Escherichia coli AppA2 phytase in four yeast systems. 2005. Biotechnol. Lett. 27(5):327-34. 
  • Stahl, C.H. Alternatives to Antibiotics in Feed for Pigs. 2005. Pig News and Info. 26(1):9N-15N. 
  • Callaway, T.R., C.H. Stahl, T.S. Edrington, K.J. Genovese, L.M. Lincoln, R.C. Anderson, S.M. Lonergan, T.L. Poole, R.B. Harvey, and D.J. Nisbet. Colicin concentrations inhibit growth of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in vitro. 2004. J. Food Prot. 67(11):2603-07. 
  • Stahl, C.H., T.R. Callaway, L.M. Lincoln, S.M. Lonergan, and K.J. Genovese. Evaluation of colicins for inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli strains responsible for post-weaning diarrhea and edema disease in swine. 2004. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 48(8):3119-21. 
  • Stahl, C.H., K.R. Roneker, W.G. Pond, and X.G. Lei. Effects of combining three fungal phytases with a bacterial phytase on plasma phosphorus status of weanling pigs fed a corn-soy diet. 2004. J. Anim. Sci. 82(6):1725-31. 
  • Stahl, C.H., D.B. Wilson, and X.G. Lei. 2003. Comparison of extracellular Escherichia coli AppA phytases expressed in Streptomyces lividans and Pichia pastoris. Biotechnol. Lett. 25(10):827-31. 
  • Lei, X.G., and C.H. Stahl. Biotechnological development of effective phytases for mineral nutrition and environmental protection. 2001. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 57(4):474-81. 
  • Stahl, C.H., K.R. Roneker, J.R. Thornton, and X.G. Lei. A new phytase expressed in yeast effectively improves the bioavailability of phytate phosphorus to weanling pigs. 2000. J. Anim. Sci. 78(3):668-74. 
  • Lei, X.G., and C.H. Stahl. Nutritional benefits of phytase and dietary determinants of its efficacy. 2000. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 17: 97-112. 
  • Stahl, C.H., Y.M. Han, K.R. Roneker, W.A. House, and X.G. Lei. Phytase improves iron bioavailability for hemoglobin synthesis in young pigs. 1999. J. Anim. Sci. 77(8):2135-2142.
  • Porres, J.M., C.H. Stahl, W.H. Cheng, Y. Fu, K.R. Roneker, W.G. Pond, and X.G. Lei. Dietary intrinsic phytate protects colon from lipid peroxidation in pigs with a moderately high dietary iron intake. 1999. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med. 221(1):80-6.