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2200 Symons Hall 7998 Regents Drive College Park, Maryland 20742-5535


  • Public Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Environmental Economics



Neslihan Uler is an assistant professor at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) at the University of Maryland, and the director of the Symons Hall Experimental Laboratory (SHEL). She is an experimental economist and works mainly in the fields of Public Economics, Environmental Economics, and Behavioral Economics. Her work on public economics focuses on understanding public goods provision and charitable giving by examining the role of competition, authority, taxation, information, and culture on voluntary giving decisions. Her work on environmental economics examines the effects of different mechanisms such as output-sharing partnerships and carbon offset markets on individual behavior in the presence of negative externalities, and tests whether economic inefficiencies could be eliminated or at least mitigated through such policies.


Ph.D.  Economics, New York University, 2007.
M.A.  Economics, New York University, 2003.
B.S.  Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Summa Cum Laude, 2001.


Areas of Interest:

  • Public Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Environmental Economics


Selected Publications:

"“The Effects of ‘Non-binding’ Price Floors” (with S. Salant and W. Shobe), 2022, European Economic Review, Volume 145, 104122, ISSN 0014-2921,

“The Impact of Taxes and Wasteful Government Spending on Charitable Donations” (with R. Sheremeta), Experimental Economics, Volume 24, pages 355–386.

“Independent versus Collaborative Fundraising: Understanding the Role of Information” (with C. Eckel and B. Guney), 2020, European Economic Review, Volume 127.

“Demand for Giving to Multiple Charities: An Experimental Study” (with E. Filiz-Ozbay), 2019, Journal of European Economic Association, Volume 17(3), pages 725-753.

“Behavioral Sources of Demand for Carbon Offset Markets: An Experimental Study” (with Kai-Uwe Kuhn), 2019, Experimental Economics, Volume 22(3), pages 676-704. 

“Experimental Departures from Self-Interest when Competing Partnerships Share Output” (with Josh Cherry and Stephan Salant), March 2015, Experimental Economics, Volume 18(1), pages 89-115. 

“Distinguishing the Role of Authority “In” and Authority “To”” (with Dan Silverman and Joel Slemrod), May 2014, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 113, pages 32–42.

 “Understanding the Reference Effect” (with Yusuf Masatlioglu), November 2013, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 82, pages 403-423.

“Public Goods Provision, Inequality and Taxes”, Experimental Economics, Springer, Volume 14(3), September 2011, pages 287-306. 

 Public Goods Provision and Redistributive Taxation”, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 93(3-4), April 2009, pages 440-453.