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Dr. Amro Hassanein

Associate Research Professor

Associate Research Professor

Environmental Science & Technology 1451 Animal Science/Agricultural Engineering Building 8127 Regents Drive College Park, Maryland 20742


  • Microbial Electrolysis Cell
  • waste to energy
  • Anaerobic Digestion
  • Nanotechnology Applications
  • Life Cycle Assessments
  • Bioplastics Degradation
  • Microbial Fuel Cell
  • Biohydrogen
  • Electrocoagulation
  • Pyrolysis
  • Electrochemical
  • Nutrient Capture

Dr Amro Hassanein Research Areas



Ph.D. in Engineering; Agricultural, Biological, Environmental, and Energy Engineering; 2015

College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Yangling, China.

Research Dissertation: Combining Microbial Electrolysis Cell with Anaerobic Digestion to Improve Digester Performance.

MS.c. in Engineering; Agricultural, Biological, Environmental, and Energy Engineering; 2011

College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Yangling, China.

Research Thesis: Using Parabolic Trough Solar Concentrators and Greenhouse for Heating Biogas Digesters.

B.S. in Agricultural Engineering; Department of Agricultural Engineering; 2007 Suez Canal University, Egypt.

Employment History


Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland, USA.


Post-doctoral Associate, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland, USA.


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Environmental Sciences, Arish University, Egypt.


International Graduate Research Fellowship, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland, USA.


Ph.D. Dissertation Fellow, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwest A&F University, China.


Research Assistant, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwest A&F University, China.


Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Agricultural Environmental Sciences, Arish University, Egypt.


Research Scholar, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwest A&F University, China.


Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Sciences, Suez Canal University, Egypt.

Publications: Peer-reviewed

  1. Gaballahab, M., Guoa, J., Hassanein, A., Sobhid, M., Zhenga, Y., Dongae, R., (2022) Removal performance and inhibitory effects of combined Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline, Sulfadiazine, and Norfloxacin on anaerobic digestion process treating swine manure. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 857, 159536
  2. Hassanein, A., Moss, A, Cloyd, N, Lansing, S., (2022).Evaluation and life cycle assessment of a poultry litter anaerobic digester with nutrient capture. Bioresource Technology Reports (2022): 101186. DOI:
  3. Hassanein, A., Lansing, S. (2022)."Boosting anaerobic digestion with microbial electrochemical technologies." Advances in Bioenergy, Elsevier, ISSN 2468-0125, DOI:
  4. Hassanein, A. *, Keller, E., & Lansing, S. (2022). Chapter 14: On-Farm Energy Production – Biogas. Springer; 1st ed. 2022 edition (March 18, 2022)‚ ISBN: 978-3030908300. (Status: in press). DOI:
  5. Ibrahim, A. S., Ali, G. A., Hassanein, A., Attia, A. M., & Marzouk, E. R. (2022). Toxicity and Uptake of CuO Nanoparticles: Evaluation of an Emerging Nanofertilizer on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Plant. Sustainability, 14(9), 4914. DOI:
  6. Aboelfetoh, M., Hassanein, A. *, Ragab, M., El-kassas, M., & Marzouk, EM., (2022). Olive Mill Waste Based Anaerobic Digestion as A Source of Local Renewable Energy and Nutrients, Sustainability. 14, 1402. DOI:
  7. Taha, M., Abdalla, A., ElMasry, G., Gouda, M., Zhou, L., Zhao N., Liang N., Ziang, N., Hassanein, A., Al-Rejaie, S., He, Y. & Qiu, Z., (2022), Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Image-Based Diagnosis of Nutrient Deficiencies in Plant Grown in Aquaponics. Chemosensors. 10, 45. DOI:
  8. Benjamin, N., Keller, E., Hassanein, A., & Lansing, S. (2021).  Assessment of Petroleum-Based Plastic and Bioplastics Degradation Using Anaerobic Digestion, Sustainability 13, no. 23: 13295. DOI:
  9. Hassanein, A. *, Kumar, A. N., & Lansing, S. (2021). Impact of Electro-Conductive Nanoparticles Additives on Anaerobic Digestion Performance-A review. Bioresource Technology, 126023. DOI:
  10. Hassanein, A., Keller, E., & Lansing, S. (2021). Effect of metal nanoparticles in anaerobic digestion production and plant uptake from effluent fertilizer. Bioresource Technology, 321, 124455. DOI:
  11. Eidarous, M., Hassanein, A., Mady, M. A., & Marzouk, E. R. (2021). Improving sandy soil properties by using fertilizer pellets made from agriculture wastes. Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences.
  12. Hassanein, A. *, Witarsa, F., Lansing, S., Qiu, L., & Liang, Y. (2020). Bio-Electrochemical Enhancement of Hydrogen and Methane Production in a Combined Anaerobic Digester (AD) and Microbial Electrolysis Cell (MEC) from Dairy Manure. Sustainability, 12(20), 8491. DOI:
  13. Huertas J K, Quipuzco L, Hassanein A, & Lansing S, (2020) Comparing Hydrogen Sulfide Removal Efficiency in a Field-Scale Digester Using Microaeration and Iron Filters. Energies, 13(18): 4793. DOI:
  14. Achi G., Hassanein A, Lansing S, Enhanced Biogas Production of Cassava Wastewater Using Zeolite and Biochar Additives and Manure Co-Digestion. Energies, Vol13.2 (2020): 491. DOI:
  15. Hassanein A, Lansing S, Tikeka R. Impact of metal nanoparticles on biogas production from poultry litter, Bioresource Technology, ISSN 0960-8524., Vol 275 (2019): 200-206. DOI:
  16. Hassanein A, Witarsa F., Lansing S, Guo X, Yong Liang, Qiu L. Next Generation Digestion: Complementing Anaerobic Digestion (AD) with a Novel Microbial Electrolysis Cell (MEC) Design. International Journal of Hydrogen energy. 42.48 (2017): 28681-28689. DOI:
  17. Qiu L, Hassanein A, (2016), New factor (quality of temperature) affect directly on biogas production and solved by solar heating models. Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology. 15(2):761.
  18. Ge Y, Qiu L, Hassanein A, Zhou Y, Liang Y. Optimization of anaerobic digestion parameters with mixed material of potato stem leaf and corn straw, Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery. 47: 173-179. DOI: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2016.04.023
  19. Hassanein A, Qiu L, Pan J, Ge Y, Witarsa F., Simulation and validation of a model for heating underground biogas digesters by solar energy. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 82: 336-344. DOI:
  20. JunTing P, Ling Q, Hassanein A, Gao T, Liang Y. Orthogonal experiment on biogas production characteristics of chicken manure with biochar. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2014, 45(12): 229-233. DOI:
  21. Hassanein A*, Qiu, L. Simulation of New Solar Heating System for Heating Biogas Digesters Above Ground in Cold Regions. Applied Mechanics and Material. 2013, 291-294: 89-96. DOI:
  22. Hassanein A*, Qiu, L. Design and Numerical Simulation of Parabolic Trough Solar Collector (PTC) For Improving the Efficiency. Applied Mechanics and Material. 2013, 291-294: 53-61.DOI:
  23. Deng, Y.F., Qiu, L., Sun, Q.P., Jing, L.X., Hassanein A, Influence of Anaerobic Co-digestion of Mushroom Cultivation Wastes and Pig Manure on the Biogas Production and Its Quality. Journal of Agro-Environment. 2012, 31(3): 613-619.
  24. Hassanein A, Zhang, D., Qiu, L. Ling. Solar water heating model with sun tracking system for increasing biogas production. Journal of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. 2011, 27(6): 256-261. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2011.05.000

Distinction Awards & Honors

  1. On-campus professional track faculty excellence award, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Maryland, USA (2022).
  2. Excellence in research, Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland, USA (2022).
  3. 1st Place Winner: National MANRRS conference, Division 1 Graduate Oral Competition in Biological, Physical, and Life Sciences. Chatterjee, U., Felton, G., Hassanein, A., Lansing, S. Presentation title: Utilizing Poultry Litter Derived Biochar as Soil Amendment in Ornamental Plants. March 23-26, 2022, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
  4. 1st Place Winner: Delp, D., Hassanein, A., May, P., Lansing, UMD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Cornerstone Event First Place Student Poster, Ensure Healthy Watersheds and the Chesapeake Bay, 2022
  5. 1st Place Winner: UMD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Cornerstone Event First Place Student Poster, Poster title: Renewable Energy from Fermented Food Waste Sarah, Na., Naresh K. A., Hassanein, A., Lansing, S.
  6. Appreciation letter from the Chairman of the Higher Committee for the contribution to the Environmental awareness program, Zayed international foundation for the environment (2021).
  7. 2020 Bahram Momen Distinguished Service Award from ENST, UMD
  8. Best poster award for "Impact of Nanoparticles on Biogas Production from Poultry Litter" research during International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability (BBIORESTEC), Stages, Spain (2018).
  9. Outstanding Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland, USA (2018).
  10. Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing from Energy journal, Elsevier (2018).
  11. Young Scientist Appreciation. Minister of immigration and Egyptian expatriates affairs, Egypt Can three, Luxor, Egypt (2018) (Min 30:63 Link)
  12. International Research Exchange Fellowship, University of Maryland, USA, and Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University (NWAFU), China (2015).
  13. Outstanding International Student, College of International Student, NWAFU, China (2014-2015).
  14. First Prize (Research Paper & presentation), College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, NWAFU Doctoral Forum, China (2014).
  15. Outstanding International Student, College of International Student, NWAFU, China (2012-2013).
  16. Second Prize (Research Paper), Northwest A&F University, Fifth Ph.D. Forum, China (2013).
  17.  First Prize (Research Paper) Annual Biogas Meeting, China (2013).
  18. Award of Excellence for Young Researchers, Suez Canal University, Egypt (2013).
  19. Excellent international student Scholarship, China Scholarship Council (CSC) for Ph.D. Student, Northwest A&F University (2012).
  20. Best Engineering M.Sc. Thesis Award, College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, NWAFU (2011).
  21. Third prize (Research Paper), Northwest A&F University, Doctoral Forum(link is external), China (2011).
  22. CSC Scholarship, China Scholarship Council for Master’s, Northwest A&F University (2009).
  23. Award of Excellence for Young Researchers, Suez Canal University, Egypt (2008).


1. ENST415-Renewable Energy

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: Spring-2022- Department of Environmental Science and Technology, UMD, USA

The course is focused on current renewable energy technologies, technological readiness, efficiency, sustainability of renewable energy alternatives, and life cycle assessment. Technologies include solar thermal, photovoltaics, biodiesel, ethanol, anaerobic digestion, wind, hydroelectric, wave, nuclear energy, geothermal and tidal

2. ENST415-Renewable Energy

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: Spring-2021- Department of Environmental Science and Technology, UMD, USA

3. ENST415-Renewable Energy

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: Spring-2018- Department of Environmental Science and Technology, UMD, USA

4. ENST649V Advanced Nanotechnology in Energy and Environment: Applications and Implications.

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: Fall-2017- Department of Environmental Science and Technology, UMD, USA

Dr. Hassaneion developed the first nanotechnology-based course for Ecological Design students in Environmental Science & Technology (ENST). The course emphasizes the application of nanotechnology in renewable energy and pollutant sensing and includes modules on solar photovoltaic and microbial fuel cells. The course is taught using an interdisciplinary approach focusing on life-cycle analysis and how nanoparticle transport impacts the environment.

5. ENST499V Nanotechnology in Energy and Environment: Applications and Implications.

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: Fall-2017- Department of Environmental Science and Technology, UMD, USA

6. Heat Transfer

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: (Spring-2016)- Faculty of Agricultural Environmental Sciences – SCU, Egypt.

7. Scientific Calculations and Data Analysis

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: (Fall-2015)- Faculty of Agricultural Environmental Sciences – SCU, Egypt.

8. Measuring and Control Devices

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: (Fall-2015)- Faculty of Agricultural Environmental Sciences – SCU, Egypt.

9. Environmental Engineering

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: (Fall-2015)- Faculty of Agricultural Environmental Sciences – SCU, Egypt.

10. Agricultural Mechanization

Duties: Instructor; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: (Spring-2015)- Faculty of Agricultural Environmental Sciences – SCU, Egypt.

11. Environment and Energy Engineering

Duties: Co-teaching, Main instructor: Dr. Qiu Ling

Date: (Fall-2014)- NWAFU, China.

12. Advanced Thermodynamics

Duties: Co-teaching, Main instructor: Dr. Xinming Xi 

Date: (spring-2011)- NWAFU, China.

13. Physics

Duties: teaching/lab assistant; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: 2008, 2009 & 2012- Faculty of Agricultural Env. Sciences – SCU, Egypt.

14. Design, Repair, and Maintain Machines

Duties: teaching/lab assistant; grading assignments and exam observation

Date: 2008- Department Agricultural Engineering – SCU, Egypt.

Dr Amro Hassanein Research Areas