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Dr. William Gary Hubbard

Assistant Director and State Program Leader, Natural Resources, Environment & Sea Grant

Assistant Director & Extension Program Leader

University of Maryland Extension Environmental & Natural Resources 2115A Symons Hall 7998 Regents Drive College Park, MD 20742


  • Assistant Director and Environmental, Natural Resources & Sea Grant Program Leader
  • Forest Management, Finance and Economics
  • Climate Change in Natural Resource Systems
  • Program Accountability and Evaluation
  • International Extension in Natural Resource Systems


  • PhD, University of Georgia (2010)
  • MS, University of Florida (1987)
  • BS, University of Florida (1985)

Dr. Hubbard received degrees in forest management and forest economics at the University of Florida where he studied the impact of professional forestry assistance on timber returns to family forest owners in North Florida. From 1988 to 1993 he served on the University of Florida faculty with extension and teaching responsibilities in forest management, economics and urban forestry. In 1993 he accepted the position of Regional  Forester serving thirteen southern Land Grant natural resource Extension programs and the USDA Forest Service. He earned a Phd in Adult Education and Program Evaluation from the University of Georgia’s Department of Lifelong Education, Administration and Policy in 2010 and studied the relationships of knowledge change, attitudes and behaviors in nonformal education programs like Extension.

Dr. Hubbard has authored or co-authored over 100 refereed, popular or Extension publications in his career, he has been active in several professional societies including the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP) where he served as President and Executive Secretary, the Society of American Foresters (SAF) where he was elected Fellow in 2018, and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) where he is current Deputy Director of the Extension, and Knowledge Exchange (EKE) Working Party.

Dr. Hubbard currently holds the position of State Program Leader and Assistant Director, University of Maryland Extension (UME) with responsibilities in the environmental, natural resources and Sea Grant programmatic areas.  He currently provides administrative leadership to UME's diverse natural resources programs including forestry, wildlife, wood products, fisheries and aquaculture, watershed, energy, climate and home horticulture/Master Gardener programs.  These programs include over 40 faculty and staff members within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and throughout the state of Maryland.

Recent Awards and Honors:

  • National Outstanding Eagle Scout Award, Boy Scouts of America, 2021
  • Distinguished Service Award, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP), 2020.
  • Fellow, Society of American Foresters. 2018.
  • Two Chief’s Award for Technology Transfer. NRCS & Forest Service. 2012.
  • Extension Forester of the Year. Forest Landowners Association. 2005.


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