Celebrating a Century of Tradition


The Kent Clover Calf Club is celebrating its centennial year—an unprecedented landmark anniversary for 4-H clubs in Maryland.

4-H began in Ohio in 1902, according to the National 4-H Council, and quickly took root throughout America. The Kent County, Md. Clover Calf Club is the first recorded instance of a 4-H club in Maryland, with records going back to 1922.

Much of this history was recorded by former 4-H educator and Extension agriculture agent Stanley Sutton in the book Beyond the Roadgate: Kent County, 1900-1980, said Elizabeth Hill, current Kent County 4-H educator.“Stanley Sutton was an original member of the Calf Club, and his great-great grandson will be joining the club in a year or so,” she said.“That tradition of generations of legacy families in 4-H is rich within this club, and that’s why it’s been successful for 100 years.”

The club has changed and evolved from a dairy club to a general interest club based on the needs of Kent County residents, but it has also grown in size and popularity as the biggest, boasting 35 current members and more than 20 incoming new members for 2022.

“Things change, things progress, but the tradition stays,” said Hill, who has been working closely with club leader and volunteer Jennifer Debnam to build out a year-long celebratory plan for 2022 to recognize this long-standing club and tradition within the community.

The kickoff began December 8, 2021 during the installment of the new officers for the 2022 celebratory year. The Clover Calf Club will be recognized during the county 4-H Annual Achievement Banquet in March, with recognition of past leaders and volunteers who will be in attendance.

The club will also be commemorated at the Kent County Fair on July 21, 2022 during opening day ceremonies. The public is invited to celebrate with local dignitaries and 4-H representatives and mingle with former club members who will gather for an on-site reunion. There will also be an extensive display of Clover Calf Club materials, photos, and historical documents for patrons to peruse during the fair.

To see some historical memorabilia, check out the Kent Clover Calf Club 100th Anniversary Facebook Page at: go.umd.edu/q4W

by Laura Wormuth : Momentum Winter 2022