AGNR Donor Profile: Judith Brocksmith

Judith BrocksmithWhen Judith Brocksmith was in first grade, she carried home a kitten in the basket of her bicycle. Given to her by a classmate, his name was Puff, and he was the first in a long line of cats that Brocksmith would adopt over time. She’s devoted to caring for her furry companions, and dedicated to helping others do the same.

Since 2005, Brocksmith has volunteered at her local animal shelter in Fairfax, Va., working with cats and the humans who adopt them. After observing the caring dedication and commitment of other cat lovers working at the shelter and the veterinarians and staff that treat both shelter animals and her own cats, Brocksmith wanted to do more. In 2011, she established the Judith E. Brocksmith Veterinary Scholarship to support under­graduate students in the pre-veterinary program in the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences (ANSC) at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

She also expanded her legacy with a planned gift establishing the Judith E. Brocksmith Endowed Student Support Fund in Veterinary Medicine. The endowment will fund ANSC graduates who intend to matriculate to the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine (VMCVM).

A partnership between UMD and Virginia Tech, the VMCVM is a dual-state professional college that enrolls roughly 128 students to become Doctors of Veterinary Medicine students annually.

“Pets are such a special part of our lives, and it’s important to me to help ensure that there are good quality care-givers for these loving animals,” Brocksmith said. “I understand the financial and academic challenges students face in veterinary school, and I hope the scholarships will help the University of Maryland continue to attract and retain strong, high-quality vet-med students into the future.”

As a member of AGNR’s Dean’s Circle, Brocksmith’s decision to support the college reflects not only her love of companion animals and the importance of veterinary medicine, but her belief in the importance of AGNR’s mission and faith in the excellence of UMD students. She knows first-hand how much her support means to them.

“It’s so rewarding to meet those students who are bene­fiting,” Brocksmith said, “To hear about their goals, their dreams and their planned careers in veterinary science.”

Brocksmith’s generous support ensures a promising future for these students and the animals they will care for.

For those who are interested in supporting AGNR, please contact:

Carolyn Fernandez
Assistant Dean for External Relations
AGNR, University of Maryland
301.405.7733 |