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Dr. Phylis B Moser-Veillon

Professor Emerita

Professor Emerita

Nutrition & Food Science 0112 Skinner Building 4300 Chapel Lane College Park, Maryland 20742-7521
  • Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences with a minor in Physiology. University of Maryland, College Park MD.
  • M.S. in Nutrition. University of Maryland, College Park MD.
  • B.S. in Foods and Nutrition with High Honors. University of Maryland, College Park MD.
Research Interest: Determination of nutrient needs of lactating women which involve investigations of trace element metabolism and homeostatic mechanisms using stable isotope tracers. Also investigations to determine the role of leptin in energy substrate utilization during lactation. Representative Publications:
  • Chung C, Nagey DA, Veillon C, Patterson KY, Jackson RT, Moser-Veillon PB. 2002. A single 60 mg iron dose decreases zinc absorption during early lactation. Journal of Nutrition. 132:1903-05.
  • Gossage C, Deyhim M, Yamini S, Douglass L, Moser-Veillon PB. 2002. Carotenoid composition of human milkduring the first month postpartum and response to B-carotene supplementation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 76:193-7.
  • Moser-Veillon PB, Mangels AR, Vieira NE, Yergey AL, Patterson KY, Hill AD, Veillon C. 2001. Calcium fractional absorption and metabolism assessed using stable isotopes differ between post partum and never pregnant women. Journal of Nutrition. 131:2295-299.
  • Gossage C, Deyhim M, Moser-Veillon PB, Douglass L, Kramer T. 2000. Effect of B-carotene supplementation and lactation on carotenoid metabolism and mitogenic T-lymphocyte proliferation. Am J Clin Nutr. 71:950-5
  • Patterson KY, Veillon C, Hill AD, Moser-Veillon PB. 2000. Measurement of calcium stable isotope tracers using cool plasma ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 14:1673-77
  • Mukherjea R, Castonguay T, Douglass L, Moser-Veillon PB. 1999. Elevated leptin concentrations in pregnancy and lactation: Possible role as modulator of substrate utilization. Life Sciences. 65:1183-93.
  • Mohammedshah F, Moser-Veillon PB, Yamini S, Douglass L, Anderson A , Veillon C. 1998. Distribution of a stable isotope of chromium (53 Cr) in serum, urine and breast milk in lactating women. Am J Clin Nutr. 67:1250-55.
  • Moser-Veillon PB. 1995. Zinc needs and homeostasis during lactation. The Analyst. 120;895-97.
International Activities:
  • Conducted workshop for Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Banngkok Thailand, “Using mineral stable isotopes to answer nutrition questions, August 1999.
  • Research in Nepal on nutritional status of lactating mothers and their infants. (Am J Clin Nutr 1988 47:722-8, 47:729-34, 47;735-9)
Awards and Honors:
  • Outstanding Mentor, Graduate Student Government Association, University of Maryland. 1999.
  • Contribution to Science Award, given by Sigma Xi (National Research Honor Society) University of Maryland Chapter. 1999.
  • American Dietetic Association, Excellence Award for Outstanding Achievement as a Dietetics Educator. 1997.
  • College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Award for Excellence in Research. 1996.
  • Distinguished Scholar-Teacher (one of four) University of Maryland. 1996.
  • Food and agricultural Sciences Excellence in College and University teaching given by USDA and the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges. 1996.
  • Lilly Teaching Fellowship, Center for Teaching Excellence. 1995
  • College of Agriculture, Award for Excellence in Teaching and Advising. 1994
  • Published Research Award of the Pediatrics Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association. 1991.
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