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Dr. Roselina Angel



Animal & Avian Sciences 4131 AnSc/AgEn Building 8127 Regents Drive College Park, Maryland 20742-2311


  • Poultry


  • Maximizing nutrient availability from diets with the goal of reducing environmental impact as well as improving production efficiency and costs of production
  • Minimizing the impact of poultry production on the environment, primarily as related to phosphorus and nitrogen.
  • Understanding requirements, improving absorption through management and diet (calcium/phosphorus ratios, use of enzymes and other feed additives) and implementation of new tools under commercial conditions
  • Work with nitrogen focused on diet changes as well as post excretion changes to minimize nitrogen excretion and nitrogenous emissions to air
  • Research in exotic animals as it relates to developing adequate diets for captive animals as well as trying to solve some of the nutritionally related problems developed by exotic animals in captivity
  • Current focus is in insectivorous birds and incidence of iron storage disease

Dr. Angel joined the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences as an Assistant Professor in 1998. She received her BS (Animal Science), MS (Animal Nutrition), and PhD (Poultry Nutrition) degrees from Iowa State University. Prior to joining the University of Maryland, she was Nutrition Research Manager at Purina Mills. Her current research focuses on improving nutrient retention and reducing nutrient waste in broilers and laying hens through the use of feed additives, feed nutrient changes, and proper selection of ingredients. She has also been conducting research on whether a specific probiotic mix can increase overall nutrient retention. Her expertise as a poultry nutritionist can be put to good use when evaluating non-infectious poultry diseases and other health problems. She will be a great asset to our poultry residency/graduate program.